Hi delegates! We are very excited to meet you. Here are some tips and guidelines to help you write good directives and communiqu és. Please feel free to ask questions in the comments section. We will try our best to get back to you ASAP. General guidelines Be clear and straightforward. Miscommunication may lead to unintended consequences Don't be too vague or complex Write legibly Be careful about writing on small pieces of paper - they can get lost! Submissions will not necessarily be approved. Directives and communiqués will need to be in line with character and/or country policy. They should also follow the SMART framework While assassinations are fun, it's all about diplomacy at the end of the day Personal directives Can be made in secret and given directly to the chair without being voted on by the committee This is how a delegate exerts personal power Committee directives Require signatories and sponsors Usually voted on by moving ...